
2025 Program Schedule




6:30 a.m.

Breakfast with your City


8:00 a.m.

Precinct Convention (by Party)

  1. Elect Precinct Chairman who:

    • Presides at each Precinct Meeting and is a Voting Delegate to County Convention

    • Serves as Election Judge for Primary and General Election

    • Appoints clerks to assist the Precinct Chairman in counting ballots

      NOTE: Candidates present completed filing form to Precinct Chairman at next meeting once he is elected/selected

  2. Elect five (5) additional Voting Delegates to the County Convention.

    • Distribute to Statesmen a Ribbon and Credentials

  3. Select/Elect Precinct’s Statesmen to these State Party Committees:

    • Rules, Platform and Campaign Committees

  4. Speeches for House/Senate

You will be taken to Precinct Convention Meeting Room by your City Counselors

9:30 a.m.

County Convention (by Party)

  1. Elect County Chairman who will:

    • Preside at County Conventions and be a Voting Delegate at State Party Convention

    • Serve as Co-Chairman of District Convention

    • Fill vacancies to County and District General Election Ballots and Submit Necessary Correction Forms to add Candidate to General Election Ballot

  2. Elect 7 additional voting delegates to State Convention

    • Distribute to Statesmen a Ribbon and Credentials

You will be taken to the County Convention Meeting Room by your City Counselors

11:00 a.m.

State Party Convention:
Begin Party Business

  1. Introduction to party politics

  2. Party Advisor or appointee will explain duties of each party official

You will be taken to the State Party Convention Meeting Room by your City Counselors

11:00 a.m.

Party Rules and Platform Committee Orientation and Initial Meetings

Note: these are only for those members selected/elected at the first Precinct meeting that took place this morning

You will be taken to orientation from State Party Convention by Counselors

12:00 p.m. for one party; 12:30 p.m. for the other party

Lunch with Party members from your city

You will be taken to the Dorm Area Cafeteria by your City Counselors

1:15 p.m. for the party that ate lunch first; the other party will begin at 1:45 p.m.

State Party Convention

  1. Continue State Party business

  2. Consider and pass Rules for Election of Party Officials

  3. The Party Chairman is elected by Party Delegates according to Rules

    • State Chairman may not seek another elective office but may seek any appointed office

    • Elect or Select Secretary and Whips (3) may seek any elected or appointive office

  4. State Party Chairman to interact with Chairman of each State Party Committees (Rules, Platform and Campaign)

  5. Allow time after elections for Statesmen to continue to obtain signatures on Filing Forms

You will be taken to the State Party Convention Meeting Room by your City Counselors

5:00 p.m. for one party; 5:30 p.m. for the other party

Dinner with Party members from your City

6:15 p.m.

Change into recreation clothes (including Boys State t-shirt) that are appropriate for the Olympiad and associate evening activities

Dorm Area

7:15 p.m.

City Faceoff and Announcements

You will be taken to Clark Field by your City Counselors

7:30 p.m.

Election Polls Open for House and Senate positions

Precinct Chairmen/County Chairmen oversee House and Senate election and will preside at Election and explain procedures

Election Location by County

7:30 p.m.

Recreation Period Begins:
All Statesmen will be involved in 1 or more of 4 different activity categories:

  1. City Olympiad - these are tournament games in Basketball, Dodgeball, and 7-on-7 football

  2. Boys State Band

  3. Seminars

  4. Rules, Campaign and Platform Committees

You will be taken to the appropriate location by your City Counselors for all these events:

  1. Clark Field

  2. Band Hall near Dorm Area Parking Garage

  3. Counselors will take you to classroom

  4. TBA

9:30 p.m.

Election Location

House and Senate Elections Polls Close

9:45 p.m.

Recreation period ends

Conduct Daily Closing — House and Senate Election Results announced via technology

All Statesmen will return to Dorm Area with City Counselors

10:30 p.m.

Daily Debrief with City

Assigned City Dormitory Floor

10:45 p.m.

Filing Deadline for all petitions with signatures — MUST be turned into Precinct Chairman along with appropriate filing fee:

  1. Precinct Chairman are responsible for collecting all Fees and Forms and personally delivering them to the Election Headquarters. They will be dismissed from Closing Ceremony at the appropriate time to deliver the information by their counselor or may appoint an assistant to do so if predisposed with other business

  2. No Filing Forms will be accepted after the Deadline

Boys State Election Headquarters

10:45 p.m.

Precinct/County Chairs Meeting to Organize for Ballot Draw

Boys State Election Headquarters

11:00 p.m.

Lights out