2025 Program Schedule
6:30 a.m.
Breakfast with your City
Dorm Area Cafeteria
County Party Convention
General Election Speeches for County Offices
8:30 a.m.
You will be taken to your County Convention Meeting Room by your City Counselors
9:50 a.m.
District Party Convention
General Election Speeches for District Offices
You will be taken to your District Convention Meeting Room by your City Counselors
General Assembly - Ballot check and coordinate afternoon schedule
11:00 a.m.
You will be taken to your meeting location by your City Counselors
11:30 a.m. for one party; 12:00 p.m. for the other party
Lunch with Party members from your City
Dorm Area Cafeteria
1:00 p.m.
District Party Convention (4 Districts) - General Election speeches for State Offices
General Election speeches for State Officers; County Chairmen (all 16) co-preside and State Party office candidates from the ballot rotate into various meetings as scheduled by counselors
You will be taken to your District Convention Meeting Room by your City Counselors
District Party Convention continues — State Party office candidates rotate to give speeches
2:00 p.m.
3:00 p.m.
District Party Convention continues — State Party office candidates rotate to give speeches
4:00 p.m.
District Party Convention continues — State Party office candidates rotate to give speeches
5:15 p.m.
City Mayors Meeting
You will be taken to the meeting room by your Counselors
5:30 p.m. for half of the Cities; 6:00 p.m. for the other half of the Cities
1/2 Boys State Cities have dinner with your City and the other half of Boys State Cities hostin Visiting Dignitaries — follow schedule
30 min later:
1/2 Boys State Cities have dinner with your City and the other half of Boys State Cities hostin Visiting Dignitaries — follow schedule
You will be take to the meeting room and Cafeteria by your City Counselors
7:15 p.m.
Change into recreation clothes (including the Boys State t-shirt) that are appropriate for the Olympiad and associated evening activities
Dorm area
7:45 p.m.
Recreation Period begins — All Statesmen will be involved in 1 or more of 3 different activity categories:
City Olympiad - these are semi-final and final tournament games in Basketball, Dodgeball, and Speedball as well as Texas Boys State Tug of War competition
Boys State Band
Family Feud competition
You will be taken to the appropriate location by your CIty Counselors for all of these events
Olympiad activities will take place at Clark Field
Band meets in the Band Hall
Counselors will take individuals to the meeting room
7:45 p.m.
Precinct Chairman to report to Election Locations
Precinct Chairmen sign up for shift for overseeing General Election and will preside at Election and explain procedures
Election Location to be announced
8:00 p.m.
General Election Polls Open
Election Location
9:00 p.m.
General Election Polls close
Election Location
9:30 p.m.
Post Election Results Celebration event
You will be taken to the appropriate location by your City Counselors
11:15 p.m.
Lights out